What's New with Kind Kiosk (March 2024)

Chris Ball
By Chris Ball ·
Product Updates

What's New with Kind Kiosk (March 2024) cover image

Welcome to our monthly recap series! At the end of each month in 2024 we will highlight important milestones and updates around the Kind Kiosk product and company.

What's new with the product?

We shipped some great features in March. There are many, but here are the ones we are most excited about.

Anonymous donations can now be disabled

While most organizations want to accept both anonymous and non-anonymous donations, organizations that require contact information can disable anonymous donations on their kiosks.

Anonymous donations are even faster

For kiosks that are set to accept anonymous donations, donors can now pay in only 3 taps... and one tap is to pay with a card or mobile phone!

An optional email receipt can be selected by the donor after payment. This is intended to be a simple confirmation message. We still assume organizations will handle sending an official gift receipt via their Donor CRM or other means.

Anonymous Donation Flow

Customize the contact information flow

When collecting contact information, organizations can now choose which fields to show and in what order. The current options are:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Address
  • Phone number

Choose questions and their order

The organization admin dashboard is live

Our primary goal with the organization dashboard was to surface the most important information at a glance. We will be adding additional information in the future based on customer input, so let us know if there's something you'd like to see!

The dashboard allows organizations to view:

  • Donations from all kiosks in real time
  • A graph of all donations across all kiosks for the year
  • The status and location of each kiosk
  • Largest donation (single donation)
  • Top kiosk (total revenue)
  • Top configuration (total revenue)
  • Top designation (total revenue)

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Improved auto-reconnect functionality

If a kiosk loses connection to a card reader for any reason, a message will display while it automatically reconnects. This update also improves the overall stability of the connection.

Updates are automatic and free

One of the best things about Kind Kiosk is that we manage everything. No action is needed to take advantage of these new features. All kiosks will self-update within 24 hours.

What's new with the company?

This month, we finished one conference, signed up for another, and continued to improve kiosk hardware.

NTC Conference was a big success

Kind Kiosk was officially launched at the Nonprofit Technology Conference in Portland, Oregon last month! Prior to NTC, we were in private beta. There were so many great conversations with both vendors and attendees and we'll definitely be back next year. Shout out to the organizers! I don't think we've seen a better run conference.

During NTC, we setup the kiosks in our booth to donate to two local Portland nonprofits. Community Warehouse and PAW Team. All donations from testing our platform went to those two organizations. In the nonprofit world donations are paramount, but a close second is increasing awareness. We were really happy we could help with both.

We learned about Donor Advised Funds and how we might be able to provide an integration with them. If your organization accepts donations from a DAF, we'd love to hear from you.

Last but certainly not least, we talked to quite a few prospective customers. Those conversations yielded some amazing product feedback. We also loved seeing the excitement as folks started considering all the potential use cases for Kind Kiosk. Some we hadn't even considered before!

NTC2024 Kiosk

We will have a booth at Bridge Conference

We will be at Bridge Conference in the Washington, DC area this summer. We heard from many of the NTC attendees that Bridge was a great conference to go to. Come say hi! We'll have multiple kiosks on hand.

We are adding additional Kiosk stand options

While we have a primary stand that we include with our kiosks, we also recognize that organizations have different needs. We have explored multiple prototypes and now have options for accessible-height, desk-mount, and wall-mount stands.

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